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Lorna Vanderhaeghe

Lorna Vanderhaeghe CLA Plus 150 Gels

Lorna Vanderhaeghe CLA Plus 150 Gels

Regular price $45.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $45.99 CAD
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    • Aids weight loss
    • Increases lean muscle
    • Accelerates fat loss
    • Controls blood sugar
    • Powerful antioxidant
    • Take with GLUCOsmart
    • Research shows 7lb weight loss in 90 days
    • NPN 80040824


    Benefits of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

    Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a fatty acid supplement that effectively increases lean muscle mass and enhances fat loss. In a 90-day, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study published in 2000 in the Journal of Nutrition, CLA users experienced fat loss with an average weight reduction of seven pounds and an increase in lean muscle. There was a 20 percent decrease in body fat. CLA also stops fat from coming back once dieting stops, research has found. According to The Journal of International Medical Research in 2001, those taking CLA who also exercise at the same time increase fat loss and increase lean muscle faster and with lower amounts of CLA. Incredibly, CLA has also been found to help with weight loss even if people don't change their lifestyle. In June 2009, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported on 45 postmenopausal women who were obese and who had type 2 diabetes. They took eight grams (8,000mg) of CLA per day with food for 32 weeks. The women were told not to diet or exercise any differently during the trial. The researchers found that CLA significantly reduced the women's body mass index (BMI) and resulted in a four-pound weight loss.

    Take CLA+ Along With Glucosmart

    Belly fat is a stubborn problem. No end of sit-ups and crunches make it disappear. Starving and running on the treadmill for hours every week doesn't seem to budge belly fat either. We know there is a connection between our expanding waistlines and our hormones. The main hormone contributing to belly fat is insulin. Insulin is a powerful hormone that, when in excess, also causes an elevation in circulating male hormones in women, causing male facial hair growth and acne too. In men, elevated insulin results in a beer belly and breasts.

    Elevated insulin promotes weight gain, high cholesterol, diabetes and excess belly fat. Thankfully, busting belly fat and normalizing insulin just got easier. The nutrient Chirositol (pronounced "kur-au-sitol"), researched in over 30 studies at the Virginia Medical School, works for prediabetes, Type-2 diabetes, excess male hormone-related conditions such as acne, PCOS, and male facial hair growth in women. Chirositol has also been shown to reduce appetite and improve our happy hormone serotonin, which halts sugar cravings and controls appetite. But where Chirositol really shines is in fighting belly fat in both men and women.


    Adults: Take 3 softgels twice daily with food. Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond 12 weeks.

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